Up on the roof
26th September 2011
Over the past few weeks we have been having a mixed bag of weather in the north of France. We went from a cold and miserable summer into the same, but in all fairness its September, and then suddenly the sun came out and we had a week of ‘summer’. Twenty eight degrees everyday, blue skies, no wind and just in time for Richard and Chris to come over with their ladders to try and get some lasure onto my roof’s woodwork.
I can manage everything at a reasonable height but the roof is out of the question. I don’t like heights at the best of times but it is all hypothetical because the apex of the roof is about 10 metres and have you seen the price of a decent ladder that size ?
Thankfully Richard doesn’t have a problem with heights and does have access to long ladders. He was probably right in thinking that it was going to take as long to move the ladder about as it was to actually do the painting.
Whilst he and Chris worked away on the roof I got on and sanded, stained and varnished a coffee table that Richard and Sue had been give. It was a table that had obviously been used a lot, but once taken down and brought back up again it looked pretty well. Certainly has a few more years of life in it now.
I think our local wildlife had spotted Richard up on the roof because my local buzzards were out in force circling on the thermals – just in case.
In the evening Sue, Rebecca and Andi joined us for the meal and brought Buster the dog along with them. I like Buster; 50 kilos of bouncing, command ignoring, owner dragging, fun. He’s great for keeping the neighbours at bay.
Posted : 8 October 2011